Boca en Boca [“by word of mouth”] is an independent news sheet that aims
to spread news of what is happening in the organized communities of
Chiapas. It aims to oppose the strategy of the government and generate
solidarity among the people by providing summaries and extracts from the
communities’ news releases.
Compañeras and compañeros,
Boca en Boca # 19.
We are pleased to say that BoCa En BoCa is now being translated into
English, Portuguese, French and Italian, with the goal of spreading news
as widely as possible.
Thanks to all the compas!
This month once again the organized peoples of Chiapas have denounced
violence and injustice:
- Chicomuselo: denounces a high level of violence.
- Civil Society Las Abejas: release of 7 paramilitary material authors of
the massacre.
- The Coastal Zone is ready to fight against high electricity tariffs.
- The FNLS denounces continuing repression of carriers in Ocosingo
We also share some excerpts from the final statement of the Gathering for
Historical Memory where the people of Chiapas, Mexico and Guatemala met
together to share the world situation.
We also present two examples of social alternatives from Brazil and Greece.
We remind you that you can have direct access to links for more
information on the news items via the pdf format.
If you need the magazine in another language, or can offer translation
into any language email us!
Thanks for helping us to distribute it.
Greetings and resistances
Kolectivo de Boka en Boka
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