To the Civil Society Las Abejas,
To the Good Government Junta of Oventik
To our brothers and sisters from Colonia Puebla, Chenalhó.
To Civil Society
To the free and rebel media
As European and World collectives, we again mobilize, and cry together our ENOUGH, faced with the recent events that have happened in Colonia Puebla, Chenalhó. Our hearts are hurting, to know and to see again in Chiapas families having to be forcibly displaced from their community. We share the pain of these compañer@s who have had to leave their belongings, their fields, their milpa, to save their lives from the great dangers and threats coming from a group of 1000 people in the community of Colonia Puebla.
Not only do these events remind us of 1997, when all the quarrels and the militarization of Chenalhó started after quarrels in Puebla, but it also makes us see that the bad strategies of the PRI have returned.
We are equally aware of the reactivation of paramilitary groups in the region. And we are alert watching that the displacement of 80 people does not become a stage in the logic of empowerment in a war against insurrection. We also denounce the link between the release of the paramilitary perpetrators of the Acteal massacre, and the acts that are happening.
It all began with the illegal recuperation of the site of the Catholic chapel by an evangelist group, who rejected the construction of a Catholic church. But the lies and tricks quickly began again, with the evangelists kidnapping and threatening 3 compañer@s, allegedly for poisoning the water. The three were displaced from the community for nothing, but the facts are real. On Tuesday when they had announced their return, while a civilian caravan accompanied them peacefully, over 100 young people, some about 12 years old, accompanied by people of military appearance, received the caravan with stones. They made them turn round. At night they burned two community houses of the Catholics, who were in hiding, and threatened.
Then on Wednesday, a group of evangelists took hostage Father Manuel, the parish priest of Chenalhó, for more than eight hours. They left him in the community latrines. They beat him. The government never addressed these threats, and never sent the police or security forces to rescue the Father. On Thursday, after frightening all the Catholics all day, holding them hostage in their homes, some families decided to become displaced. They took a highly dangerous and difficult road at the night in the rain. More than 40 others followed them in the night. On Friday others decided to leave their homes and belongings. The police, although they were aware of this, took no measures to ensure the physical security of the displaced families.
So we demand the immediate arrest of those who kidnapped Father Manuel. We demand the immediate arrest of the moral leaders who are Agustin Cruz Gomez and Jacinto Arias Cruz, former paramilitary, former mayor of Chenalhó. We demand that a prompt safe return to the community of Colonia Puebla is guaranteed.
Finally we commend the solidarity among the brothers and sisters Abejas and Zapatistas who knew how to support the displacement of their oppressed brothers, organizing solidarity, from below and to the left. And from our own corners we join the urgent call for the collection of supplies: llamado de acopio
Asocacion Espoir Chiapas / Esperanza Chiapas, Francia.
CEDOZ, Mexico.España,
Plataforma de Solidaridad con Chiapas y Guatemala de Madrid, España
Casa Nicaragua, Belgica
Plataforma Vasca de Solidaridad con Chiapas, Pais Vasco
Grupo CafeZ de Lieja, Belgica
LaPirata (Plataforma Internacionalista por la Resistencia y Autogestion Tejiendo Autonomias)
Nomads (Italia, Berlin)
Nodo Solidario(Italia Mexico)
Colectivo Zapatista Mariso (Suiza)
Grupo de Solidaridad con Chiapas de Dorset, ingletera
Gruppe B.A.S.T.A., Münster, Alemania
CGT - Estado Español
Secretaria de la Mujer de la CGT España
Colectivo Tierra Lesbik,
Mut Vitz 13, Marseille, Francia
Comitato Chiapas " Maribel " - Bergamo, Italia
Secretaria de Accion Social, CGT ANDALUCIA
Ya Basta Netz Alemania,
Nodo Solidale (Italia y Mexico)
London Mexico Solidarity Group.
La red de Solidaridad Zapatista del Reino Unido
Caracol Zaragoza, España,
Colectivo Farma, Atenas Grecia
Accion Social Sindical Internacionalista ASSI
Plataforma de Solidaridad Con Chiapas de Aragan
Comité de Solidaridad con los Pueblos De Chiapas en lucha, Francia
La Plataforma de Solidaridad con Chiapas y Guatemala de Madrid,
Télé Directe, Francia,
ABCéditions Ah Bienvenus Clandestins, Francia
Caracol Solidario, Besancon, Francia
Icra International, Francia.
YoSoyUnDosTres, Lyon, Francia
Plataforma de Solidaridad con Chiapas y Guatemala de Madrid, España
Casa Nicaragua, Belgica
Plataforma Vasca de Solidaridad con Chiapas, Pais Vasco
Grupo CafeZ de Lieja, Belgica
LaPirata (Plataforma Internacionalista por la Resistencia y Autogestion Tejiendo Autonomias)
Nomads (Italia, Berlin)
Nodo Solidario(Italia Mexico)
Colectivo Zapatista Mariso (Suiza)
Grupo de Solidaridad con Chiapas de Dorset, ingletera
Gruppe B.A.S.T.A., Münster, Alemania
CGT - Estado Español
Secretaria de la Mujer de la CGT España
Colectivo Tierra Lesbik,
Mut Vitz 13, Marseille, Francia
Comitato Chiapas " Maribel " - Bergamo, Italia
Secretaria de Accion Social, CGT ANDALUCIA
Ya Basta Netz Alemania,
Nodo Solidale (Italia y Mexico)
London Mexico Solidarity Group.
La red de Solidaridad Zapatista del Reino Unido
Caracol Zaragoza, España,
Colectivo Farma, Atenas Grecia
Accion Social Sindical Internacionalista ASSI
Plataforma de Solidaridad Con Chiapas de Aragan
Comité de Solidaridad con los Pueblos De Chiapas en lucha, Francia
La Plataforma de Solidaridad con Chiapas y Guatemala de Madrid,
Télé Directe, Francia,
ABCéditions Ah Bienvenus Clandestins, Francia
Caracol Solidario, Besancon, Francia
Icra International, Francia.
YoSoyUnDosTres, Lyon, Francia
Colectivo Educación para la Paz y los Derechos Humanos A.C. (CEPAZDH )
Amig@s de Mumia Mexico,
Kolectivo Ik
Kaos Mexico
Movimiento Migrante Mesoamericano
Kolectivo boca en boca
Maderas del Pueblo del Sureste A.C.
Radio Zapatista
Sector Nacional Obrero y de Trabajadores de la Ciudad, el campo, el Mar, y el Aire, Adherente a la Sexta
Pozol Colectivo ,
Hijo de la tierra,
Organización Zapatista "Educación para la Liberación de nuestros Pueblos"
Pueblos, Barrios y Colonias en Defensa de Atzcapotzalco
Biblioteca popular, Df,
Ejido de Tila, Sexta.
Naranjas de Hiroshima
Cooperativas de Medios
Servicio Paz Y Justicia, SERPAJ, America Latina
Casapueblos, Argentina
Campaña Internacional de apoyo a los juicios genocidas en Argentina
Revista Codo a codo, Argentina
Peace And Diversity Australia, PDA.
Comité pour les Droits Humain Amérique Latine, CDHAL, Canada
Julie Webb Pullamn, Neo Zelandia
Frederico Noriega, Sevilla, España.-
Grace Leung, Nueva Zelandia
Laure Glenain, France,
Alejandro Reyes Arias
Samira Biabi, Frnace
Lorena Aguilar Aguilar
Marta Sanchez Soler, Coordinacion Ejecutiva, MMM
Gustavo García Rojas
Leon Chavez Teixeiro
Joelle Gauvin Racine,
Genevieve Messier,
Alma Rosa Rojas Zamora
Cecilia Granados Salgado, Etnologa ENAH
Ericka Guttierrez
Priscilia Tercero, DF, Mexico
Rocío Servín, Guanajuato
Angel Benhumea
Pedro Rivero
Brenda Porras
Fernando Lopez
Jorge Herrera
Pietro Ameglio
Myriam Fracchia
Daniella Guarrior, Canada,
Tony boulo, France
Oscar Yomero,
Marie Helene Bourdages,
Annie Lapalme, Canada
Jean Lapalme, Canada
Hugo Absalon,
Alvara Gonzalez,
Jose Luis Carrasco,
Anais Gagnon,
Sista Innes
Ivonne Hernandez,
Emi Pot Baggins
Juan Imassi, Argentina, Artista y docente
Maria Amalia Garcia de Argentina
Rachel Fernandez Trujillo, Internacionalista Bolivariana
Felipe I. Echenique March
Cristina Delgado Hughes, Argentina
Daniel Vila, Periodista, Argentina
Isabelle Martineau, France
Hicham Lemlah, France
Lise GIllot, France
Ana Bianca Kludt
Nicte-Ha Dzib, Niñoas en la Otra Campaña, Df
Susana Grau, Jubilaba docente, Ensenada Argentina
Maximina Fueyo, Jubilaba docente, Ensenada Argentina
Carole Radureau, France,
Eve-lyne Clusiault, Canada,
Frédérique Parpouille, France,
Eugénie Taï, France,
Dayli Na, Periodista, France,
Maurixio Sur, Colombia,
Pablo Podesta, Mexico,
Guadalupe Lopez B,
Antonio Piñeiro Fernandez,
Ana Clou, Alemania,
Ana Emilia Palacios,
Viviana Valdovinos,
Liliana Prado,
Sara Garfias,
Maria Gracia Castillo Ramirez,
Fania Vandelay,
Carlos Alberto Jimenez,
Gaspard Ilom
Illiria Ninelth
Claudia Torres
Lucia Ar,
Fernando Villalobos,
Marco Antonio Landeros Rico,
Sandra Luz Garcia Parra,
Chio Martinez Prieto.
Javiera Araya
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