Repudio de organizaciones europeas ante el asesinato del defensor de los derechos humanos Simón Pedro - (34 )
Asesinan a ex-presidente de la mesa directiva de la Organizacion Las Abejas de Acteal #Cni - (18 )
Le passeport zapatiste (À bientôt Portugal, Galice, nous voilà). - (2 )

lunes, 23 de febrero de 2015

BoCa En BoCa #29 in English

If it's necessary, if the cause is just,
if it's for the good of my people,
I'm ready to die,
because we've found no other way
of getting justice”.
Comandanta Ramona

There are many peoples who, for the cause of dignity, freedom, justice, or the needs of their community, are ready to give their life to improve the lives of their people.
As we have seen in recent months, parents, families and friends of the 43 disappeared students of the Raul Isidro Burgos School, have decided to fight for their people, to not be afraid, and to have a single goal: freedom and justice.
The members of the San Sebastian Bachajon ejido,who have been fighting for four years to defend their land and common goods, and to struggle for freedom and justice (intensively so since 21 December) – also for freedom and justice.

Freedom and justice also for Las Abejas of Acteal, who continue to suffer repression from the government, and also continue without justice for the massacre of 1997; Freedom and justice for the members of the Tila ejido, who are defending the rights of the assembly of the ejido as their highest decision-making body; Freedom and justice for the village of Primero de Agosto, who are struggling for their rights to be respected and for a dignified life. Freedom and justice in the struggle against violence committed against women, and against migrants; Also, for the displaced people of Banavil, and for all of the members of the Indigenous National Congress, for the members of the Pueblo Creyente, in other words all those who face repression in their struggle for life.
As the compañeros of the Indigenous National Congress put it: “this cowardly agression by the bad government shows us their fear of us, those who come from below and to the left. Those who come from our communities and villages, our cities and countries to this festival, come to be together, to listen to each other and share the ways we rebel and resist, to multiply our strength in that way, and to share our pain for those who are missing”.
We remind you that via the PDF version of this document you can find the links to the full articles which provide more information on the stories in this bulletin.
If you need this bulletin in another language, or if you are able to translate this into another language, send us an email!
We also invite you to follow us on our Facebook page: “Kolectivo BoKa En BoKa”.
Saludos and Resistencias
Kolectivo De BoKa En BoKa

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